Getting started
If you want to list your business
Then you will need to start by Registering. You can also click on the Register link at the very top right of the website.
Add a new listing
Once you are registered you can then add any enterprise details into the locator by clicking on the add listing button (top right of main menu).
‘Claim’ or update an existing listing
Over the last year we have been working with nature benefitting businesses in Powys and mid Wales. We have already added some of these to the locator.
If you are already listed we would encourage you to ‘claim’ this listing so you control it and can add and update. To do this, you will first need to register.
Once you have done this then we can then allocate the listing to you. We have to do this manually at our end so please feel free to drop us an email prompt.
If we are a bit slow, do feel free to just email us a prompt and we will do it as quick as we can 😉
Ready to go
Once you have registered and made or claimed a listing, you will see you can add links to other content such as videos etc. Please do try and complete all the sections fully and make sure you add some good photos. After all, as we start to promote the Locator to the public, good content and images will help promote you.
Don’t forget, please ensure you are clear how you benefit nature, after all, that is the focus and the more we help people understand our collective unique qualities, the bigger impact we can have on a more nature friendly economy (and our individual trade too 😉)!